Uma Computer Electronics Institute

Electronics Engineering

  • Electronics Engineering
  • The Electronics Engineering Department offers a six semester course in Electronics Engineering that leads to a diploma in Electronics Engineering.

    Electronics Engineering department is established to cater training and knowledge in the field of electronics technology to impart services to today's need. To become technically sound in their fields, every student will be having an opportunity to work on advanced and sophisticated electronic equipments like Storage CRO, Microwave Test Bench, Satellite Receive System, Function Generators, Regulated Power Supplies, Frequency Counters, VCR Trainer Kit, Color TV Trainer Kit, Microprocessor Kit etc. Various electronics and communication laboratories are Digital Electronics and Instrumentation Lab, Basic Electronics Lab, Advanced Communication Lab, Electronic Workshop

    Practical training is imparted to students in leading areas. Additionally every student are guided to design the projects of electrical engineering having latest technology to make them experts in their field.

    In addition to regular academics, the students are also imparted knowledge about the modern technologies by means of technical visits.

    To get the students well acquainted with the field of knowledge, experts from various areas are invited to have interaction with the students. The department also arranges field visits for the students to see practices going on in the field.

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